

【咨询电话】-----13508158228   QQ1395283462




The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Anesthesiology, founded in 1940, leads the world in publication of peer–reviewed research that transforms clinical practice and fundamental understanding in anesthesiology. Physicians worldwide look toAnesthesiologyfor original investigations in perioperative, critical care, and pain medicine as well as special articles, editorials, reviews, correspondence, and book reviews. Of special interest isAnesthesiology’sEducation Section. Publishing clinically relevant information not previously available in mainstream journals, this section includes three new article types: Case Scenario, Images in Anesthesiology, and Anesthesia Literature Review. Under the guidance of an independent and internationally recognized Editorial Board,Anesthesiologyis the journal that both clinicians and research scientists depend upon for high-quality frontline research. Also of note is Page 2,Anesthesiology'sblog for education and more. Updated at least weekly, Page 2 includes a wide range of content, including interviews, reviews of current literature, links to highly cited articles, advice for authors, and more.

--Original investigations in perioperative, critical care, and pain medicine
--Educationn Section
--Editorial Reviews
--Review Articles
--Medical Intelligence and other Special Articles
--Book and Website Reviews

