
【Journal of Clinical Investigation】JCI临床医学杂志代购/英文专业论文修改

【咨询电话】-----13508158228    QQ1395283462


*它是美国临床调查协会 (ASCI)的出版物,自 1924年起出版。国外顶级的医学临床调查杂志。

*发表有关人类生物学和疾病的遗传、 分子、 细胞,或生理基础的高质量的原创文章。从刊名可以“得知”其为关于“临床研究杂志”,实在不然,准确的说应该是分子生物学与临床医学的结合,或许更为准确,Thomson发表的JCI报告其归类中把其归类于Medicine, Research & Experimental,此类中也仅此于Nature medicine,可见其影响力.作为一创刊于1924年的老牌“临床”杂志,经历数十载风风雨雨之后,以后保持其强劲的势头,也是仅次于CNS系列的顶级期刊。


*The Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) is a general-interest biomedical journal with a broad readership. Among top-tier research journals,

*The JCI publishes original articles of the highest quality pertaining to the genetic, molecular, cellular, or physiological basis of human biology and disease. Single, complete papers are preferred to a series of interdependent ones. The JCI considers the following categories of manuscripts:

•Regularmanuscripts, which should describe substantial new mechanistic insights into biology and disease.
•Technical Advances, which should report new and important research tools and techniques that could have broad impact. Technical Advances optimally will also include application of the technique to a specific question relevant to understanding or treating a disease.
•Brief Reports, which are discrete, highly significant findings reported in a shorter format.

